


I'm Kate, the girl behind The Little Chic. I started this blog in 2013 as a creative outlet because I love photography and styling-it's like being the editor of your own tiny e-magazine! Blogging this year has been so much fun and I have some exciting plans for my blog for 2015.

I work in Internal Communications and I am Exposed Magazine Sheffield's fashion blogger.
I also love singing and this year I've worked with some of Sheffield's finest local jazz musicians as a vocalist.

I've always loved using fashion as a creative expression, and it is my goal to wear my very special vintage red gown to sing a jazz set somewhere fabulous one day (look out for it in a post in the future!).

My best things (apart from blogging):
Music (singing and learning guitar)
Watching a heavy rain storm from the window.
Travelling with someone special.
A really good peppermint tea
A new fashion magazine-with that unmistakable "new paper" smell!