
Monday 24 February 2014

Lovely weather for ducks...

Music I'm posting to..
Roo Panes, Land of the Living EP-favourite track; Silver Moon. Perfect for a bright chilly day.

This post comes to you from a rainy Saturday afternoon last week, in the Botanical Gardens-the umbrella was not merely a prop! I didn't think it was especially cold out until I tried to send a text in the cafe afterwards, and my hands had gone numb. The perils of the perennial blogger...

On this rain and wind buffeted Isle, there hasn't been a whole lot of choice recently other than to layer up and get as waterproof as possible. Bang on trend? Not so much. Certainly fun though, especially when I was wondering what to wear with my wellies (for a change from trousers) and happened upon this old dress with its pattern of tiny ducks. I was never sure what it was trying to do in a style sense, as it seems to be a cross between an apron, dress and play-suit-but without the shorts. I love how quirky and random it is though, and how it can look just as nice with thermal tights and wellies as it does with sandals; nicer, perhaps, as I don't rate it as much for summer now I've seen it all layered up.

Tiny, tiny puddle-ducks! And a blue cardi; the nice little colour match was a happy accident.
Not cold at this point. Still smiling.
Actually this was a childish desire to see if the wind would lift me up...I confess...
The wind was about to do away with my hat.
Just chillin...literally

All the real ducks have gone in for the winter! Where do they go though?!

Lonely bench and lonely trees.